One Word 2014: Today

Have you seen all the buzz about having a “Word of the Year,” instead of making New Year’s Resolutions that are seldom achieved? Evidently, you choose just one word – something that you can work on or focus on during the year- and focus your energies there.  I’ve never been a big one for resolutions, but I thought maybe I could handle this “one word” thing with some degree of success.  Just one word to focus on for a whole year.  I can do this.

But have you tried to pick your “one word?”  OK, I can pretty much come up with a list of several “words” that could use a little tweaking! How on earth can I  pick just one??  I started thinking it should be “Hope”…I know I can look forward to the future with hope thru Christ, but I don’t always feel that hopeful. Then I thought, maybe my bottom line problem is “Trust”…I know I can trust God, but am I really trusting if I’m not looking forward with hope?  But maybe it’s not about trust or hope. Maybe, bottom line, the word is “worry.” I need to quit.

So you see my dilemma?  One word inevitably leads to another.

SmallOneWord2014But really, if you boil it all down, hope, trust, and worry are linked to the same issue.  I need to rejoice in today.

Today’s milestones, today’s accomplishments, today’s good moments, even today’s struggles… being grateful for today and what today holds.  So maybe that’s it! My word should be “today.”

Last night, as I woke up, once again about 2am, it became clear.  As I layed awake, worrying in my sleepy mind, I knew my word should be TODAY.

Psalm 90:12 says this, “Teach us to number our days, so that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Don’t dwell on past issues. Don’t worry about what the future holds. We have today. Value today. So this year, I will make an honest effort to cherish each day for what it holds, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow.

What about you? Have you chosen a “word” for 2014. If you have, I’d love to hear about it! Please comment below.

This post is linked with others over at Compassion Bloggers.  Please stop by and see what word others have chosen.Will you consider sponsoring a child this year?

Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

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  1. #1 by Tara Mitchell on January 13, 2014 - 9:33 am

    Today is a great word. It really does encompass so much. My word is thrive!

    • #2 by jlsgrant on January 13, 2014 - 10:18 am

      oohh! Thrive…that’s a good one too! We should always make the effort to thrive wherever we’re planted!

  2. #3 by faithfamilyfriendslove on January 13, 2014 - 9:59 am

    What a great post! I love that your word is “Today”! I will have to keep that in mind for the future. This is my first year to name my year. My word is “Discipline”. God is already teaching me things on this subject. 😉 If you would like to click through to my blog, you can read about it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your word with us, you are not alone in dealing with “hope, trust, and worry”.

    • #4 by jlsgrant on January 13, 2014 - 10:20 am

      Thanks! This is my first year too! I think “discipline” would have been another one that could make it to my list! I’ll definitely stop by your blog.

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